


Kontaktiere uns

ARTDOT-Produkte haben 1 Jahr Garantie. Ihre vollste Zufriedenheit ist uns wichtig.

Wir freuen uns über Ihren Einkauf in unserem Shop und stehen stets hinter unseren Produkten.

Wenn Sie Fragen, Bedenken oder Bedürfnisse haben, können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden. Unser Kundensupport-Team ist immer bereit, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zu reagieren.

E-Mail: support@artdot.com
Servicezeit: Mo – Fr 9:00 – 18:00 Uhr EST.

  • ???????????????????? ?????????????????????? ¨C Alles, was du f¨¹r die Diamantmalerei brauchst, einschlie?lich Abteilen, Platzieren, Versiegeln und Aufbewahren, um deine 5D-Diamantmalerei einfach zu vervollst?ndigen. Ideal f¨¹r Anf?nger, bietet einen stressfreien Start in deine kreative Reise
  • ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? - Die 28-F?cher-Aufbewahrungsbox fasst ¨¹ber 1400 Diamanten, h?lt sie ordentlich organisiert und leicht zug?nglich. DMC-Etikettenaufkleber helfen dir, Gegenst?nde schnell zu klassifizieren, w?hrend der faltbare Trichter Versch¨¹ttungen verhindert und Transfers sauber h?lt
  • ???????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ¨C Ergonomischer Griff bietet Komfort bei l?ngerer Nutzung und reduziert Erm¨¹dung. Doppelseitiges und geschraubtes Design erm?glicht einfachen Austausch von 6 extra Spitzen, f¨¹r schnelleres Platzieren mehrerer Diamanten, um Effizienz zu steigern und Zeit zu sparen
  • ???????????????????? ?????? ????????????????? - Der Kleber versiegelt die Diamantperlen sicher auf der Leinwand, bildet eine Schutzschicht, die verhindert, dass die Perlen verrutschen oder abfallen, und Schmutz fernh?lt, um die Brillanz und Integrit?t der Diamantmalerei zu gew?hrleisten
  • ?????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ¨C Das ARTDOT Diamantmalerei-Werkzeugset sorgt daf¨¹r, dass jeder Schritt deines Projekts geordnet abl?uft. Verwalte m¨¹helos all dein Zubeh?r, reduziere Unordnung und halte deinen Arbeitsplatz sauber, sodass du dich mehr auf deine Diamantkunst konzentrieren kannst
  • ?????????????????? ???????????????????? - ARTDOT Diamantkunst-Zubeh?r-Sets kommen in einer wundersch?n gestalteten Farbbox, die das Produkt sch¨¹tzt und es zur idealen Wahl f¨¹r Anf?nger und erfahrene Diamantmalerei-Enthusiasten macht

Shipping & Returns

Delivery :

* Orders usually ship within 24 business hours. The estimated delivery time is 2-5 business days.
* Free shipping over $50. Orders Under $50 require $4.99 shipping fee.

* Shipping is available to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium.

* If you order over 1pcs item, we may send out multi-parcels, the parcels did not come at the same time, kindly wait patiently for all parcels to arrive. If you don't receive your items after 10 business days, kindly contact Customer Support Team to get support.

* If the notification "This order can't be shipped to the address you entered" appears at checkout, it means that the product you ordered is out of stock in your country.

Return :

*We offer a 30-day refund policy.

More Information, kindly please visit our shipping and returns page.

Shipping & Returns

Delivery :

* Orders usually ship within 24 business hours. The estimated delivery time is 2-5 business days.
* Free shipping over $50. Orders Under $50 require $4.99 shipping fee.

* Shipping is available to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium.

* If you order over 1pcs item, we may send out multi-parcels, the parcels did not come at the same time, kindly wait patiently for all parcels to arrive. If you don't receive your items after 10 business days, kindly contact Customer Support Team to get support.

* If the notification "This order can't be shipped to the address you entered" appears at checkout, it means that the product you ordered is out of stock in your country.

Return :

*We offer a 30-day refund policy.

More Information, kindly please visit our shipping and returns page.


ARTDOT products have a 1-year warranty. We appreciate your purchase from our store and we always stand behind our products.Your total satisfaction is important to us.

If you have questions, concerns, or needs, feel free to contact us. Our customer support team is always ready to respond to your needs.


ARTDOT products have a 1-year warranty. We appreciate your purchase from our store and we always stand behind our products.Your total satisfaction is important to us.

If you have questions, concerns, or needs, feel free to contact us. Our customer support team is always ready to respond to your needs.

Secure Payment

Our customers' privacy is of the utmost importance to us. All submitted personal and payment information is encrypted for your security.

We accept the following types of payment for online purchases:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, and Apple Pay.

Warm Reminder: Our store currently accepts payments in US dollars (USD) only. If you using a different currency, your payment will be automatically converted to US dollars based on the prevailing exchange rate. Thank you for your understanding.

Secure Payment

Our customers' privacy is of the utmost importance to us. All submitted personal and payment information is encrypted for your security.

We accept the following types of payment for online purchases:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, and Apple Pay.

Warm Reminder: Our store currently accepts payments in US dollars (USD) only. If you using a different currency, your payment will be automatically converted to US dollars based on the prevailing exchange rate. Thank you for your understanding.